The Hip Osteoarthritis Online Boot Camp Program Course is a 6-week online training program that aims to reduce pain and improve functional mobility and quality of life.
Hip Osteoarthritis is a degenerative process that affects the articular cartilage, bone, and surrounding tissues of the hip joint. Aging is the most common cause, but injury and obesity can increase risk. It can lead to permanent changes to the structure of the hip including loss of alignment and stability.
What are the current treatments?
- There is no cure for hip OA
- Hip replacement surgery is an effective treatment but usually recommended after inadequate response to conservative treatment
- Analgesics, anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid injections can provide short-term benefits but should not be recommended as a stand-alone treatment
- Multimodal conservative care combining weight loss (if necessary), education, specific exercises, and manual therapy is recommended
Why learn the Online Boot Camp Program Course for Hip Osteoarthritis?
- Significantly improve short and long-term outcomes using a comprehensive best-evidence approach
- Step-by-step and visit-by-visit instruction on how to implement the 6-week program
- Specific manual therapy techniques, exercises, and self-management strategies to reduce pain and maximize function
- A cognitive-behavioral approach to change behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, and mitigate negative expectations