1 x Workbook
This 3 1/2 minute low back examination workbook will provide detailed instruction on what relevant tests should be performed and how to correctly perform and interpret test findings. The workbook will include a low back exam form that can be used to guide the exam and to record exam findings. A template for conducting a thorough low back pain history is also included with accompanying screening tools for assessing red and yellow flags.
The workbook will demonstrate how to diagnose or classify low back pain patients based on the clinical pattern, physical and functional exam findings and psychosocial risk assessment (yellow flags). An easy to use clinical algorithm and summary chart is provided which matches each low back pain diagnosis or classification to a specific recommended treatment protocol that addresses symptoms and underlying physical and functional impairments and psychosocial barriers.
Delivering a tailored treatment aimed at specific clinical, physical, functional and psychosocial findings can significantly improve patient outcomes, both in the short and long term.