The Sciatica Online Boot Camp Program Course is a 6-week online training program aimed to significantly improve pain and function in the short and long term
Sciatica refers to injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve (radiculopathy is the correct diagnostic term). Usually due to a disc herniation that peaks between 30-50 years of age. Males are more commonly affected. One of the most painful spinal conditions impacting 1-5% of the population each year. It is commonly recurrent. Modifiable risk factors include smoking, obesity, occupation, and health status.
What are the common symptoms?
- Pain and/or numbness, weakness, burning, and tingling, usually traveling into the buttock and down the leg with or without low back pain
- Symptoms worse with sitting and bending forward, when coughing or sneezing, and when sleeping
What are the current treatments?
- Most people recover from an acute bout of sciatica
- Surgery is an effective treatment in the short term but no better than conservative treatment in the long term (12 months)
- Epidural injections may provide small, short-term benefits in some patients
- No clear benefit of oral medication
- No known benefit from TENS, ultrasound, or traction
- Yoga and swimming recommended
- Multimodal care including self-management, exercises, and manual therapy is recommended
How can the Online Boot Camp Program Course help those with sciatica?
- The 6-week Boot Camp Program for sciatica is a comprehensive approach, incorporating the best available research
- Combines manual therapy, specific exercises, and instruction on self-management strategies including ways to reduce pain-related fear and anxiety
- Includes postural training with activities of daily living
- Goal is to reduce pain restore function and reduce recurrences
- Best results when the program is implemented by a trained practitioner, but important benefits can be achieved when performed on your own (self-directed)